Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chrome OS update over cellular internet connection

CloudReady is open source and license free Chrome OS for home user, it can turn old laptop into education and internet usage base laptop for students. Periodically Neverware will release major or minor update, normally system will perform automatic download in the background when broadband internet connection detected. How about to those use always on mobility and wish to receive update over mobile internet?

cloudready update status

And here is the command for this request, click three button simultaneously Ctrl + Alt + t, it will open new tab as crosh command line.

cloudready chrome os crosh command

update_over_cellular [enable|disable]
Enables or disables the auto updates over cellular networks. Run without arguments to see the current state.

type update_over_cellular to know current status, in this example, auto update over mobile network already enable

update over cellular status

auto update over mobile network will causing extra monetary charge on your bill if you didn't have unlimited plan.
To disable, type update_over_cellular disable

contact writer: Ngai Siew Kuen
Subject:[From Blog]cloudready Chrome OS update over cellular internet connection

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