Friday, May 17, 2019

Malaysia Telco free 1GB data - World Telecommunication Day 2019

In conjunction of World Telecommunication Day, Malaysia's Telco giving away free 1GB internet data, valid for 1 day only, have you claim it already ? This free 1GB data validity only valid for 1 day, mean today (17 May 2019) only! it valid from 00:01 and will be forfeited after 23:59. postpaid and prepaid customer able to claim this freebies, further details, kindly refer back to respective telco and term and condition. MyDigi app

Box of Surprise

Digi Prepaid customer

MyYes4G app 
Yes Postpaid customer, not eligible for unlimited fix internet customer
Yes prepaid account have to be active in order to claim this freebies 
 During this post editing, Celcom Life didn't show any sign for this freebies, and I am not able login to Hotlink RED to verify also.
contact writer: Ngai Siew Kuen


Subject:[From Blog] Malaysia Telco free 1GB data - World Telecommunication Day 2019

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