Thursday, January 7, 2010

Google DNS

What is a DNS server? In layman’s terms it translates internet addresses into IP addresses

Each computer on the internet has an IP address which is a set of numbers, for example Google’s is Being humans, it’s often hard to remember such numbers so a DNS makes it possible to use words such as ‘’ to point the computer to the numerical IP address.

Malaysian ISPs use DNS also as a censoring mechanism by blocking certain sites from their DNS servers hence if you type ‘’ it would refuse to load the site due to its pornographic and politically sensitive nature. To ensure you get unfettered access to all sites and possibly faster performance (I do), the best DNS servers I have found are Google’s DNS which are at and

You can also try OpenDNS but its servers are not located near Malaysia, hence performance wouldn’t be as great. Google has the advantage of having DNS servers in every geographical region.

(source from: BolehVPN)
contact writer: Ngai Siew Kuen
Subject:[From Blog] Google DNS

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